產品簡介強度,速度和精度,可確保日常工作。憑借Marine Travelift BFMII移動式船用提升機的可靠歷史,加上新增的眾多創新和功能,新型85 BFMII移動式船用提升機將幫助您更智能,更強大地工作,以適應高要求。容量 85公噸 187,000磅 / 85,000公斤 細節: 摩托艇,帆船,拖船,漁船和巡邏艇約。長90英尺(27 m) 可定制寬度和高度,以處理雙體船,駁船和深龍骨賽車帆船 遠程診斷能力 新的藍牙適配器允許在操作員訪問時通過智能手機,平板電腦和計算機與智能系統進行便捷的遠程診斷通信。 英文介紹Strength, speed, and accuracy ensure daily work. With the reliable history of the Marine Traveliff BFMII mobile marine hoist, coupled with numerous new innovations and features, the new 85 BFMII mobile marine hoist will help you work smarter and stronger to meet high requirements.capacity 85 metric tons 187000 pounds/85000 kilograms Details: Motorboats, sailboats, tugboats, fishing boats, and patrol boats. 90 feet (27 meters) long Customizable width and height to handle catamarans, barges, and deep keel racing sailboats Remote diagnostic capability The new Bluetooth adapter allows for convenient remote diagnostic communication with intelligent systems through smartphones, tablets, and computers during operator access. |
上一篇:龍門式游艇運輸車(U形遙控船艇搬運機) | 下一篇:四輪驅動船艇搬運機 |
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高密度的漂浮式模塊 |
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電動船塢牽引拖車 |
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